Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Heated Debate Concerning Stem Cell Research Essay...

Stem Cell Research Extraordinary advances in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of human diseases is believed, by many experts, to lie behind the curtain of stem cell research. Very few other areas of research have received this much attention from the media, political leaders and various groups and organizations from around the nation. The responsiveness to this issue has been incredible because of the potential of these studies as well as the most controversial aspect of the research; the embryonic stem cell. This has much of the nation in an uproar because of ethical and moral views on the situation at hand. Many feel that embryos should be considered human beings and should not be destroyed for the causes of medical†¦show more content†¦I have concluded that we should allow federal funds to be used for research on these existing stem cell lines, where the life and death decision has already been made. (Vital Speeches of the Day) He then goes on to say, This year, your government will spend $250 million on this important research (Vital Speeches of the Day). Two hundred and fifty million may seem like a significant amount but researchers believe it will take more money and more embryos to complete their studies at a more rapid rate. However, organizations such as the National Institutes of Health (N.I.H.) are privately funding with $256 million dollars this year because, the 200-page report released by the agency stated that embryonic cells offer some key advantages over adult stem cells (Southwick 21) Embryonic stem cell research is not the only kind. Scientists have also looked into adult, umbilical cord, placental and animal to uncover stem cells. That’s what much of the opposition is pushing for, other possibilities. Richard M. Doerflinger, associate director of anti-abortion policy at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops states, The adult cell work should be fully explored first to see if one does not even broach the moral problem of embryo work (Munro). Some adult stem cellShow MoreRelatedThe Heated Debate Concerning Stem Cell Research Essay1043 Words   |  5 PagesStates, research has become a viable tool for sustaining and prolonging human life. As research evolves, it brings along with it much controversy, especially where stem cell research is involved. Stem cell research can bring new insight to today’s medical field. This may be the way of finding solutions concerning many health injuries and diseases which would diversely be thought of as implaus ible. Thoughts can be influenced by Deborah White, in Pros Cons of Embryonic Stem Cell Research, â€Å"EmbryonicRead MoreThe Heated Debate Concerning Stem Cell Research Essay787 Words   |  4 PagesThe Controversy Over Stem Cell Research In a lab at the University of California, a scientist carefully isolates several cells and locates them to a petry dish. A few days later, he returns to find the cells pulsating like a human heart (Gorman 58). This account has actually been occurring at several scientific labs across the nation. These cells, known as stem cells, produce nearly all the other cells and tissues found in the human body (Sobel Sep 4, 22). Intensive research has found that whenRead MoreThe Heated Debate Concerning Stem Cell Research Essay2353 Words   |  10 PagesThe Moral Debate over Stem Cell Research President George W. Bush looked stern and confident as he addressed the American people on August 9th, 2001. It was an historic day for the 43rd president, as he explained the debate surrounding embryonic stem cell research, including its possible benefits for science but also its problems surrounding morals and ethics. â€Å"The issue is debated within the church, with people of different faiths, even many of the same faith coming to different conclusionsRead MoreEssay on The Heated Debate Concerning Stem Cell Research2589 Words   |  11 Pagesof stem cells can become a very controversial subject in the scientific research world. Stem cells serve as an internal repair system to restore other cells as long as the person or animal is still alive. By doing so, many fatal and untreatable diseases such as leukemia and Parkinson’s would be able to be treated and cured. The origination of stem cells is what stirs up great controversy across the nation and among the world. Until recently, scientists primarily worked with two kinds of stem cells:Read MoreThe Heated Debate Concerning Stem Cell Research Essay878 Words   |  4 PagesStem Cell Research   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The topic of stem cell research does not affect me so much at the moment. It might in the future, but for now it does not. I do believe that stem cell research should be used for cloning organs that will be used for organ transplants. I do not however think that parents should place the doctors on pedestals just because these â€Å"mad scientists† supposedly have the power of God.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The topic of heated debate does intrigue me, but not to the point as to where I would makeRead MoreEssay on The Heated Debate Concerning Stem Cell Research1025 Words   |  5 PagesStem Cell Research Should stem cell research be allowed? Stem cell research has been a major biological breakthrough in recent years. It has great potential to help people and ease suffering. But there is also a moral question raised about stem cell research, and that comes from the source of stem cells. Ever since Stem Cell research started, there has been much debate over whether or not it should be allowed. Some people are completely against stem cell research becauseRead MoreThe Heated Debate Concerning Stem Cell Research Essay1477 Words   |  6 PagesStem Cells Few scientific issues in recent years have managed to draw as much attention, both scientific and otherwise, than stem cell research. I was first introduced to the term ‘stem cells’ when I was in high school, and since then, I have had a keen interest in the direction science is taking them. When considering medical research as a whole, stem cells appear to have the makings of a 21st century medical revolution a la discovery of antibiotics . The open-ended nature of stems cells hasRead More The Heated Debate Concerning Stem Cell Research Essay3495 Words   |  14 PagesEmbryonic Stem Cell Research Stem cells are the newest hot topic in biological research. Very few other ongoing areas of research have been the focus of numerous articles, Presidential and Congressional scrutiny, and numerous ethical debates played out in the national media. This ongoing focus on stem cells is due in part to their amazing potential and in part to the controversial nature of one type of stem cell—the embryonic stem cell. The key question that is being dealt with is the issueRead MoreThe Heated Debate Concerning Stem Cell Research Essay2717 Words   |  11 PagesStem Cell Research - Embryonic Stem Cell Use Controversial Despite the strong consensus in America against creating embryos to destroy them, those actually involved in embryo research no longer see any serious ethical problem in it. Now the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) says that ASRMs ethical guidelines permit the creation of human embryos to destroy them. Some even argue that such research is morally superior to the use of spare embryos, because the egg and sperm donorsRead MoreThe Heated Debate Concerning Stem Cell Research Essay2103 Words   |  9 Pages(Engebreston, 2006). In today’s world medical research and technology is rapidly changing and there are increasing ethical conflicts between science and religion particularly with the recent harvest and research of embryonic stem cells. The use of embryonic stem cells has been described by â€Å"Chris McDonald, stem cell research centre, 2008† as one of the most significant breakthroughs of this century in biomedicine. The focus question within this rese arch assignment is, it is right to regard an embryo

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