Monday, February 17, 2020

How do people survive a catastrophe Research Paper

How do people survive a catastrophe - Research Paper Example No one wants to go through a flood or wish this upon anyone else, but they do happen. Pre-preparation for flood protection include: Avoid building in a flood plain, if possible, strongly consider buying flood insurance and elevate and reinforce the home, consider elevating the HVAC, electric panels, etc. for protection from flood waters (Schneider, 65). Consider constructing outside barriers for rising water protection; develop an emergency kit with required medicines, nonperishable foods and sufficient bottled water to cover the family for several days. Also, develop an evacuation and communication plan, orienting the family with its contents (Bierens, 34). Flood survival tips include listening to the radio and television for weather information. If a flash flood is a possibility, move to higher ground and do not wait for instructions to move. Be aware of rivers, streams, drainage channels and other areas known to flood easily. Flash floods can occur with very little warning, such as rain clouds or heavy rain. Before leaving the home cut off the utilities, close open valves and disconnect electrical appliances. Do not touch electrical equipment if you’re wet or standing in water, do not walk through moving water. Six inches of moving water can make you fall. If you have to walk in water, walk where the water is not moving. Use a stick to check the firmness of the ground in front of you. After the flood avoid floodwaters. Since floodwater could be contaminated with oil, gasoline, raw sewage and other substances. Water may also be electrically charged from underground or downed power lines. Stay away from down power lines and repo rt them to the utility company. Stay out of buildings that are surrounded by floodwaters. Use caution when entering buildings (Hamilton, 104). The foundation could have hidden damage. Service damaged septic tanks, cesspools, or pits as soon as possible. Damaged

Monday, February 3, 2020

Three stocks Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Three stocks - Assignment Example These companies outstanding performance throughout the past five years in the stock market make them the most preferable investment option. Microsoft Corporation deals with the development, licensing, marketing, and supports software, services, and devices globally. It is based in Redmond, Washington and was founded in 1975. Apple Inc. deals with the designing, manufacturing, and marketing of mobile communication and personal computers, media devices, and portable digital music players across the globe. Its headquarters are in Cupertino, California and was founded in 1977. General motors deals with the designing, building, and selling of cars, trucks, crossovers, and automobile parts across the globe. Its headquarters of operation are in Detroit, Michigan and was founded in 1897. Microsoft has since the past 3 years been experiencing a huge gross profit year after year. Similarly General Motors and Apple have also had huge gross profits throughout the last 3 years. This strong financial record of the three companies is an assured well thought investment. This financial statements are summarized in the table below. Also, from the S&P 500 index the three companies show good trends from the past 5 years. The S&P is an important tool when it comes to investment since it depicts the free-float value of the major 500 corporations in the US equity market. The S&P 500 is constantly updated daily and can be used to track a company’s high and low stock prices for a period of 5 years. Hence, an important tool when evaluating the risk or returns of a particular investment. Data from the S&P index project a significant earnings growth in the three companies by over +30%. The S&P data index forecasts summary is shown in the table below. The three companies’ financial records with good profit margins and generated revenue have sustained the continual existence and profitability of the companies for decades. They have remained at the top despite the presence of