Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The World s First Atomic Bomb Essay - 1326 Words

â€Å"If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the mighty one.† – Robert Oppenheimer. The Manhattan Project was the research and making of the world’s first atomic weapons. This was a major asset that led the U.S into beating Japan and caused the war to cumulate. The Manhattan Project brought nations together, took the necessary measure to end World War II, and gave America multiple industrial advancements used in modern day warfare. The Manhattan Project was the code name for the effort to produce the first atomic bomb during WWII. The project began in 1939, when two scientists accomplished atomic fission in uranium. These scientists were Jews, and during the Holocaust, they had to leave Germany into America. It was also operated with the help from the United Kingdom and Canada. Scientist Leo Szilard, Eugenge Wigner, and Edward Teller decided to tell the President of the United States, about the ne w fission technology that had been discovered. Which they believed was capable of making bombs. Most believed that Germany would be able create the first atomic bomb, so that’s why the three scientists requested the help of Albert Einstein, and together they wrote a letter to President Roosevelt describing their beliefs that nuclear fission â€Å"would lead to the construction of bombs and it is very possible†¦that extremely powerful bombs of a new type may be created.† In June 1941, the Office of Scientific Research andShow MoreRelatedThe World s First Atomic Bomb1939 Words   |  8 PagesPresident Harry S. Truman of the United States once said, â€Å"There is nothing new in the world except the history you do not know.† Over the course of WWII, the United States made developments on a new innovation and project, and it is undeniable that on August 6, 1945, they made history of what was once the unknown. The world’s first atomic bomb, known as Litt le Boy, was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, and a mere 3 days later, a second bomb fell upon the civilian city of Nagasaki. The UnitedRead MoreThe World s First Atomic Bomb2572 Words   |  11 Pageswere in an urgent race against their German counter-parts. With World War II raging in Europe everyone involved was acutely aware that the ruthless dictator Hitler would not stop until his scientists had created the worst weapon the world had ever seen. A weapon of mass destruction. And so, in order to defeat Germany and save millions of lives the Manhattan Project scientists strove to win the race to build the world’s first atomic bomb. In 1938 German chemists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann wereRead MoreThe Atomic Bomb : Manhattan Project1331 Words   |  6 PagesTopic: The Atomic Bomb: Manhattan Project The Manhattan Project was a research and development project that produced the first nuclear weapons during World War II. The Manhattan project was the invention of the first two nuclear bombs, Fat man and little boy. These two bombs were dropped on Japanese islands to end World War II. Math The formula E=MC2 is responsible for the immense power of the Atomic Bomb. E = mc2, equation in German-born physicist Albert Einstein’s theoryRead MoreThe Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki1656 Words   |  7 PagesDid the atomic bomb have to be used in World War II on Japan? There were multiple reasons why the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were necessary. One of which is to reduce the chance of Allied casualties if the war continued. Another reason was to prohibit the possibility that an Axis country such as Nazi Germany, could create an atomic weapon. A third reason or is whether or not the use of atomic weapons on innocent people was worth the media backlash. A final reason is that the workRead MoreTruman and Atomic Bombs649 Words   |  3 Pagesto take a side and then write an editorial on Harry S Truman’s decision to order the dropping of the atom bomb. HARRY S TRUMAN amp; THE DECISION TO ORDER THE DROPPING OF THE ATOMIC BOMB Boom! Boom! Seventy thousands Japanese citizens were perished instantly after the first atomic bomb was dropped in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. Japanese still refused to surrender to Allied forces. On August 9, 1945, with the dropping of the second atomic bomb in Nagasaki, where eighty thousands people were vaporizedRead MoreThe Dropping Of The Atomic Bomb1207 Words   |  5 Pagesdropping of the atomic bombs in Japan was a very helpful source for the United States during the WWII. President Truman, took the responsibility of dropping and creation of the atomic bomb. For the reason that The United States was seeking revenge on Japan for the attack at Pearl Harbor. The atomic bomb caused a high number of innocent Japanese deaths and also awful sickness. The atomic bombs left a big impact in the Japanese empire; also effected the Japanese at the time of the atomic bomb and the generationRead MoreThe Atomic Bomb : Manhattan Project1112 Words   |  5 PagesTopic: The Atomic Bomb: Man hattan Project What is it: The Manhattan Project was a research and development project that produced the first nuclear weapons during World War II. the manhattan project was the invention of the first two nuclear bombs, Fat man and little boy.These two bombs were dropped on japanese islands to end World War II. Math: The formula E=MC2 is responsible for the immense power of the Atomic Bomb. E = mc2, equation in German-born physicist Albert Einstein’s theory of specialRead MoreThe Atomic Bomb : Manhattan Project1331 Words   |  6 PagesTopic: The Atomic Bomb: Manhattan Project The Manhattan Project was a research and development project that produced the first nuclear weapons during World War II. The Manhattan project was the invention of the first two nuclear bombs, Fat man and little boy. These two bombs were dropped on Japanese islands to end World War II. Math The formula E=MC2 is responsible for the immense power of the Atomic Bomb. E = mc2, equation in German-born physicist Albert Einstein’s theoryRead MoreThe Destruction Of The Atomic Bomb1481 Words   |  6 PagesThe world is an intriguing place. Most might say the world is good, but the world is an evil place. Mankind has took a turn for the worst with creations and evolutions. Throughout history people have chosen to be evil. There has been many incidents that mankind has chosen to be evil, three things that prove this are the creation of the atomic bomb, the killing that abortion does and the uprise of genetically modified animals. Maybe the world is starting to sound like a dystopian novel. The firstRead MoreThe Atomic Bomb Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki Essay1570 Words   |  7 PagesDespite the extreme devastation, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were necessary. The atomic bomb is a weapon unmatched in warfare, rapidly releasing nuclear energy by fission of atomic nuclei. Desperate times call for desperate measures, which is why America chose to unleash its most deadly weapon, the atomic bomb, on Japan. America, who had already fought in World War II for over four years, had no desire to perpetuate the war. When Japan refused to surrender, America was left

Monday, December 16, 2019

Organizational Structure Defined By Managers Commerce Essay Free Essays

Organizational Structure may be defined as how directors and supervisors divide, group, and organize work between different employees and sections. Other important definition may be defined as: â€Å" An Organizational Structure is based on activities such as undertaking allotment, coordination, and supervising, which are directed towards the accomplishment and fulfilment of organisational ends and aims † An organisation can be structured in many different ways, depending on their aims, purposes and longterm ends. The construction of an organisation will find the manners in which it operates and performs. We will write a custom essay sample on Organizational Structure Defined By Managers Commerce Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Many Organizations have a Hierarchy, but non all. Organizational Structure has 6 chief elements: 1. WORK Specialization: Work Specialization is the grade to which organisational undertakings are sub-divided into single occupations. It is besides known as â€Å" Division of labour † . It is the specialisation of labour in specific, limited undertakings and like functions. It is a critical component of Job Structure and attributes a major function in success, if it is truly utilised. Wor Specialization is more efficient and effectual for directors, in order to carry through organisational positions. Directors find it much easier to happen gifted forces and develop them to execute specific and certain undertakings. As Repetition improves the ability of an single to execute a certain undertaking with lesser clip consumed. Basically, the occupations are assigned to specialise personal or persons. Therefore, the persons perform those undertakings or carry through those aims in which they are specialized or are trained to roll up. The kernel of Work Specialization is that an full occupation being done by an person, it is broken down into figure of stairss, with each measure being completed by a separate person. Therefore, single perform their expertness in specialised undertaking instead than the full occupation. It can be elaborated with the undermentioned illustration. FOR EXAMPLE ; In Formula 1 Motorsports Racing, Rushing squads Managers hire mechanics that are specialized in certain undertakings ( during Pit Stops ) . Some are adept in replacing Front tyres, others are adept in replacing Rear tyres. Similarly, some are adept in Raising Car from the back side and others are specialized to execute the duty of a â€Å" Lolly-Pop Man † . Therefore, these squads hire mechanics and delegate them occupations that, they are specialized to execute. 2. DEPARTMENTALIZATION: Departmentalization is the 2nd component of Organizational Structure and follows Work Specialization. Departmentalization is the manner, work and duties are distributed in amongst different sections. Departmentalization refers to the procedure of grouping activities into sections. â€Å" Division of labour † creates specializers who need coordination. This coordination is facilitated by grouping specializers together in sections. Departmentalization has the following chief types: DEPARTMENTALIZATION BY FUNCTIONS: In Function Departmentalization, Departments are formed to group activities by â€Å" map † . Such as in a concern house, the construction might hold a Gross saless Department, a Marketing Department, a Purchase Department and a Human Resource Department etc. All these Departments are different from eachother on the footing of maps, they perform and the duties. Due to similar accomplishments and cognition, â€Å" Economies of Scale † can be achieved. The chief advantage of this type of Departmentalization is that, it can be used in all organisations, with mention to their ends and aims, and it is more efficient and effectual, as the people who posses the same expertness and accomplishments, are governed in a remarkable section. DEPARTMENTALIZATION BY PRODUCTS: Activities that are grouped by similar â€Å" Product Lines or Product Categories † . Undertakings are grouped harmonizing to merchandises and services, therefore go forthing all activities related to the merchandise or the service under a individual director or a remarkable caput. Each major merchandise country in the corporation is under the authorization of a senior director who is specializer in, and is responsible for, everything related to the merchandise line. This departmentalization helps an organisation to recognize its strong merchandise lines and weak links, additions Accountability. For E.g ; Unilever has different merchandise lines such as Dove, Axe and Fair A ; Lovely etc. DEPARTMENTALIZATION BY GEOGRAPHY: Departments are formed on the footing of â€Å" Geography and Territory † ; such as North, South, East and West etc. If an organisation ‘s clients are geographically dispersed, it can group occupations based on geographics. For illustration, Coca Cola has developed a Organizational Structure administering districts, the North American sector and the International sector, which includes the Pacific Rim, the European Community, Northeast Europe, Africa and Latin America groups. COCA COLA GEOGRAPHICAL STRUCTURE DEPARTMENTALIZATION BY Procedure: Grouping activities on the footing of â€Å" Product or service or client flow † . Each procedure require different accomplishments and techniques at different phases of its production or readying. Therefore, this Departmentalization helps the organisation to use the expertness of persons at different phases of production. Therefore, sections are followed due to the difference in defined construction. For E.g ; A whole procedure is to be followed for obtaining a Passport, Verification, Documents Submission etc, all from different sections. DEPARTMENTALIZATION BY CUSTOMER: Grouping activities on the footing of â€Å" common clients or types of clients † Jobs may be grouped harmonizing to the type of client served by the organisation. The premise is that clients in each section have a common set of jobs and demands that can outdo be met by specializers. For e.g ; Law Firms provide services to General Public, high profile persons and Large Corporations. 3. CHAIN OF COMMAND: Chain of Command is an unbroken line of Authority that extends from the top degree executive, direction to the lowest station, echeleon and clarifies who reports to whom. It is a Hierarchy which shows the Chain of Command and authorization, making a nexus between the Managers and Sub-ordinates. It has 2 chief elements: Authority ( It may be defined as the right of the directors and top degree executives to give orders to sub-ordinates. To ease Co-ordination, each director has a certain function to play in hierarchy and has a certain authorization over his colleagues and sub-ordinates to carry through his responsibilty ) Integrity of Command ( It preserves the unbroken line in the hierarchy. It states that, for the interest of better co-ordination, an person or a group must merely hold a individual higher-up, to whom coverage is done. It helps to take struggles and work confusion ) For E.g ; Ohio Fire Department is under the control of Ohio Government. Chain of Command goes right from the top degree Mayor, to the lower degree of directions such as Supervision Divison Chief and Staff Division Chief. 4. SPAN OF CONTROL: Span of Control is besides an of import component of Organizational Structure. It fundamentally manipulates the capableness of a director to command a certain figure of employees. This figure is determined after analysing the size of the organisation. There are two type of spans, 1. Wider Spans 2. Narrow Spans. If a director decides to keep a narrow span, he can keep close control. However, there are few drawbacks every bit good. First, they are expensive due to extra degree of direction. Second, Communication procedure between the top and lower direction becomes more complex. Finally, Due to contract but tight supervising, Managers tend to do strong and tight policies, ordinances, which consequences in detering Employee Autonomy and Satisfaction. In recent old ages, the accent has been laid on keeping a wider span of control. It is easier to keep control, easier to pass on with sub ordinates and more significantly, policies are in the favour of Employees liberty, due to all right supervising. NARROW SPAN OF CONTROL 5. Centralization AND Decentralization: Centralization is defined as â€Å" the grade to which determination devising is concentrated at a individual point in the organisation † . An Organization, in which there is less input taken from the lower degree directors and employees, and the top degree direction rely and take cardinal determinations by themselves, non affecting the lower direction ‘s input. Hence, it is â€Å" Centralization † . For e.g ; a Centralized Government is a signifier of Centralization, as it takes lesser input from lower governments and has the liberty to do determinations. Decentralization possibly defined as â€Å" the procedure of scattering decision-making administration closer to the people and citizens † . In Decentralization, the lower degree forces provide more input and take part in the determination devising. Decentralization and centralisation have played major functions in the history of many societies. An first-class illustration is the gradual political and organisational alterations that have occurred in European history. During the rise and autumn of the Roman Empire, Europe went through major centralisation and decentalisation. Although the leaders of the Roman Empire created a European substructure, the autumn of the Empire left Europe without a strong political system or military protection. Viking and other barbaric onslaughts further led rich Romans to construct up their big estates, in a manner that would protect their households and make a self-sufficing life topographic point. This system was greatly â€Å" decentralized † , as the Godheads of the manor had power to support and command the little agricultural environment that was their manor. 6. Formalization: â€Å" The grade to which occupations within the organisation are standardized † Standardization is the certainty of the occupation. If a occupation is standardized, the employees know what to make and there is no kind of confusion. If a occupation is extremely standardized, there is minimal sum of discretion over what is to be done, when it is to be done and how it is to be done. It consequences in consistent and improved public presentation. The grade of formalisation depends on the organisation, its policies and its construction. For case, there a few occupations that are non formalized i.e Departmental Stores Clerk, Gas Station workers etc. On the other manus, companies like P A ; G and Unilever normally have a standardised manner of making occupation. It is easy for employees to settle in, as they are able to understand their occupation decently. How to cite Organizational Structure Defined By Managers Commerce Essay, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Business Ethics for Medical Research

Question: Discuss about the Business Ethics for Medical Research. Answer: Introduction: Taxpayers money is justified if the research is not wasteful and inefficient. According to Swan (2016), ninety percent of the medical studies are wasting money and are federally funded. As per Wolf (2016) of the National Institute of Health," 85% of the biomedical research is wastage of taxpayer money. NIH spends more than $30 billion per year on taxpayer funds. There is a need for more targeted research that is convincing, strong evidence-based links and serves national interest justified for funding (Alberici 2016). There is a need for more transparency and accountability when allocating taxpayer's money for medical science. Promising people with better health care services generates hope in people with all kinds of diseases but maximum studies research on the areas that have already been proved by others scientists (Marx 2016). However, based on podcast information related to personalized medicine and genetic research it can be said that more taxpayer money should be used in this areas as they are targeted to the particular biology of the diseases of the individual. DNA sequencing has been successful in unlocking much of the mystery of the human biology. It is helpful to take various actions to improve the health by taking individual data cloud (Swan 2016). Actionable possibilities can demand more taxpayer money than the research that does not generate any actionable opportunities. Genetic testing could be helpful in saving a lot of money by determining what should be the right drug for a given individual. Increasing cost is justified and will be accepted by the public if there are measurably better outcomes and would also satisfy the taxpayers concern. From a patients point of view tax payers money is justified for even those diseases that are not on the top of the governments finance list. In conclusion taxpayer's money is justified for evidence-based medicine and research that would yield real benefits (Radio National 2016). Genetic testing for Lynch synd rome, personalized medicine, automated DNA sequencing, genotyping, as well as discoveries like insect repellent in Aerogard and the flu drug Relenza are worth investment of huge money because risk predictions for lots and lots of diseases have great potential to improve public health (Mitchell, 2016). The genetic testing provides an opportunity for the people to predict risks and diagnosis. However, genetic tests have a little predictive value and may not supply all the information that the individual wants which cause difficulty in decision-making (Tindana et al. 2014). For example, a couple where both partners are the carrier for the cystic fibrosis mutation may desire to have the prenatal diagnosis done to identify if the fetus has cystic fibrosis mutations is being inherited from each parent. If the fetus is identified with two such mutations, then the parents will experience an ethical dilemma whether to end the pregnancy or continue despite the severity of the condition being unknown. Therefore, genetic decision leads to uncertainties for families, clinicians and other professionals involved in the process (Delbue et al. 2016). Moreover, killing a fetus if diagnosed with a disease that onsets at 50 years of age say Alzheimers then the questions arises that should a child be deprived of living 50 years? Genetic tests have several potential adverse consequences at both personal and societal level (West et al. 2014). Patients diagnosed with conditions that have no permanent cure are subjected to psychological harm, discriminations and stigmatization. They tend to end their life. For example, Hunting Diseases patients give birth to children who have 50% chance of inheriting the disease. Such patients are deprived of insurance policies or employment opportunities. Therefore ethical dilemma involves confidentiality of medical information of the patient. Ethical issue in biomedical research involves animal experimentation (Adobor 2012). Most of the animal do not suffer from the severe form of diseases as humans like heart diseases, AIDS, and others. Treatment showing success in animal laboratories may or may not work in case of humans. Animals in the laboratory are induced to mimic human diseases, but people affected by the severe disorder have multiple origins such as socioeconomic factor, genetic factors, psychological issues and other personal experiences. Experimentations in animals have been going on since several decades, however; there is no fully effective cure as yet been developed (Tindana et al. 2014). Prestigious medical journals have highlighted since time, and again that experimenting on animals wastes their life. In some countries, animals are considered sacred and experimentation is regarded as highly unethical practice (Harriss et al. 2013). In the previous years, limited research has been carried on regarding the role of human endogenous retroviruses in colon cancer. We will carry out a study to find that whether "Human Endogenous Retroviruses play a role in the development of colon cancer?" We believe that the retroviruses have the role in colon cancer. Previously, it was assumed that human endogenous retroviruses could become active and also, they are involved in the process of cell transformation using a variety of oncogenic mechanisms. It has also been reported that these proteins are expressed in and the abnormal way for different kinds of cancer like germ cell cancer, breast cancer, melanoma and prostate cancer. In these conditions, the overexpression of the encoded proteins or transcripts takes place in the tissues affected by tumor or cancer. Nonetheless, a little is known regarding the association between human endogenous retroviruses and the progression of colon cancer (Delbue et al. 2016). In this research, w e are going to re-evaluate colon cancer concerning the human endogenous retroviruses and will perform an investigation that will potentially lead to innovative diagnostics as well as therapeutic approaches in future. In this research, we will also take into consideration the strong perspective of human endogenous retroviruses family for producing proteins, which can act as good candidates for identifying the diseases, thus serving as biomarkers. Also, they can also act as targets of therapeutic approaches, particularly on the antigens that are associated with a tumor. For carrying out this research, we require funds to conduct our work. We firmly believe that our research will be successful in re-evaluating that whether the human endogenous retroviruses play a definite role in the development of colon cancer. Also, it will also be valuable for the future researchers effectively. Reference Adobe, H., 2012. Ethical issues in outsourcing: the case of contract medical research and the global pharmaceutical industry.Journal of business ethics,105(2), pp.239-255. Alberici, E. (2016). Lateline - 14/04/2014: Cuts to science funding are regressive and dangerous. [online] Abc.net.au. Available at: https://www.abc.net.au/lateline/content/2014/s3985479.htm [Accessed 30 Sep. 2016]. Delbue, S., Signorini, L., Villlani, S., Bregni, M. and Ferrante, P. (2016). Do the Human Endogenous Retroviruses Play a Role in Colon Cancer?. ATV, p.11. Harriss, D.J. and Atkinson, G., 2013. Ethical standards in sport and exercise science research: 2014 update.International journal of sports medicine,34(12), pp.1025-1028. Marx, P. (2016). Genotyping: 23andMe. [online] Radio National. Available at: https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/healthreport/genotyping/5235128 [Accessed 30 Sep. 2016]. Mitchell, N. (2016). Personalised medicine - why drugs don't always work (Part 2 of 2). [online] Radio National. Available at: https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/healthreport/personalised-medicine---why-drugs-dont-always-work/3162456 [Accessed 30 Sep. 2016]. Radio National. (2016). Personalised medicine: Can you trust online genetic tests? (Part 1 of 2). [online] Available at: https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/healthreport/personalised-medicine-can-you-trust-online-genetic/3163472 [Accessed 30 Sep. 2016]. Swan, N. (2016). The future of DNA-sequencing. [online] Radio National. Available at: https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/healthreport/the-future-of-dna-sequencing/5275000 [Accessed 30 Sep. 2016]. Tindana, P., Molyneux, C.S., Bull, S. and Parker, M., 2014. Ethical issues in the export, storage and reuse of human biological samples in biomedical research: perspectives of key stakeholders in Ghana and Kenya.BMC medical ethics,15(1), p.1. West, C.C., Murray, I.R., Gonzlez, Z.N., Hindle, P., Hay, D.C., Stewart, K.J. and Pault, B., 2014. Ethical, legal and practical issues of establishing an adipose stem cell bank for research.Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive Aesthetic Surgery,67(6), pp.745-751. Wolf, S. (2016). Genetic research. [online] Radio National. Available at: https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/healthreport/genetic-research/3129034 [Accessed 30 Sep. 2016].

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Nervous Breakdown Disorder Causes and Symptoms free essay sample

Nervous breakdown disorder (NBD) is a general non-medical terminology to describe a stressful and abnormal situation in which a person becomes temporarily, or permanently unable to function in a day- to day life. Nervous breakdown can happen in different situations, and it can lead to major depression by causing CNS abnormalities. In Depression, a decrease in dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine play a major role. Nervous breakdown is normally occurring when lifes demands become physically and emotionally overwhelming. Nervous reakdown is more or less a general term to describe various types of mental health problems, and it can also be an indication of serious medical illness, so seeking medical attention is very important. Nervous breakdown can be assessed with the following signs: panic attack, anxiety, phobias, sexual problems, hallucination, delusion, feeling unable to cope with tasks you would not have thought about twice before, sleep problems, difficulty concentrating, and employment problems. We will write a custom essay sample on Nervous Breakdown Disorder: Causes and Symptoms or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page NBD can be also be seen in the DSM multi axial system, in other words Nervous breakdown an be seen in patient in all the five axes in the DSM system. As indicated above, nervous breakdown can be an indication of other mental problems such as schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorders. let look the abnormalities in a person with schizophrenia; the person with schizophrenia will have an excess of the five common sense ( hears, sees, smell, taste, feels), the person will experience auditory, visual, olfactory, gustatory, and tactile hallucination. Nervous breakdown can cause a person to lack of insight, Judgment, logic, and ability to carry out effective ecision. Nervous breakdown is also seen in people with eating disorders such as Anorexia nervosa, resting type, binge type and bulimia nervosa. In addition, people experiencing post-traumatic disorder (PTSD) can also exhibit signs of nervous breakdown. This is a flash back of a traumatic or threatening event, victims of PTSD may experience nightmares of a bad event, they can also experience anxiety, panic, depression, guilt, hypervigilance and irritability and anger. Nervous breakdown can occur as a cause or effect. In any case however, the term refers to abnormal behavior. Some nursing diagnoses of nervous breakdown include: Acute confusion, disturb sleep pattern, disturb sensory perception, self-care deficit RIT depression, and risk for injury. According to WIKIPEDIA, Nervous breakdown has not been formally defined through a diagnostic system as DSM-IV or ICD-IO, however, the term refers to a specific acute time limited reactive disorder, involving symptoms such as anxiety or depression, usually precipitated by external stressors. Nervous Breakdown Disorder: Causes and Symptoms By mariamlovesld

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Governor Pinchot essays

Governor Pinchot essays Thoughout much of his life in politics, Pinchot's name had been occasionally thrown around as a possible Presidential candidate. It never happened. He was eventually elected to public office as Governor of Pennsylvania in 1922, largely through the support of rural counties and the new women's vote. During his 1923-1927 administration, his major goals were the regulation of electric power companies and the enforcement of Prohibition. In a crusade for "clean politics," he reorganized state government, did away with many longstanding political practices, eliminated the state's $30,000,000 deficit, settled the anthracite coal strike of 1923 and was known for Because Pennsylvania governors were then prohibited from successive terms, Pinchot ran again for the Senate and lost. But in 1931, he began his second term as Pennsylvania's governor during the depression years. He advocated Federal economic relief for states and donated a quarter of his own gross salary for one year. He successfully pressed for large reductions in utility rates and built twenty thousand miles of paved rural roads to "get the farmer out of the mud". When Pinchot left office in 1935, he was seventy years old. He made a third run for the Senate and later again for the governorship. Both campaigns stalled in the primaries. During his last decade, he fought the transfer of the Forest Service from the Department of Agriculture to the Department of the Interior, an agency he insisted was still corrupt. He assisted his wife in her political career and a third unsuccessful bid for a Congressional seat. During World War II, he developed for the Navy a special fishing kit to help sailors adrift in lifeboats survive. The military commended him for saving countless lives. Shortly before his death, he completed a ten-year effort to write an autobiographical account of his work between 1889 and 1910 and his part in the deve...

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Analyze a File Line By Line With Python

How to Analyze a File Line By Line With Python One of the primary reasons people use Python is for analyzing and manipulating text. If your program needs to work through a file, it is usually best to read in the file one line at a time for reasons of memory space and processing speed. This is best done with a while loop. Code Sample for Analyzing Text Line by Line fileIN open(sys.argv[1], r) line fileIN.readline() while line: [some bit of analysis here] line fileIN.readline() This code takes the first command line argument as the name of the file to be processed. The first line opens it and initiates a file object, fileIN. The second line then reads the first line of that file object and assigns it to a string variable, line. The while loop executes based on the constancy of line. When line changes, the loop restarts. This continues until there are no more lines of the file to be read. The program then exits. Reading the file in this way, the program does not bite off more data than it is set to process. It  processes the data it does input faster, giving its output incrementally. In this way, the memory footprint of the program is kept low, and the processing speed of the computer does not take a hit. This can be important if you are  writing a CGI script that may see a few hundred instances of itself running at a time.   More About While in Python The while loop statement repeatedly executes a target statement as long as the condition is true. The syntax of the while loop in Python is:   while expression: statement(s) The statement may be a single statement or a block of statements. All the statements indented by the same amount are considered to be part of the same code block. Indentation is how Python indicates groups of statements.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Intels corporate ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Intels corporate ethics - Essay Example â€Å"This $2 million plant is only 0.1% of what Intel spent to build this facility.† (What Intel has done and is doing, n.d.). The US is the greatest inventor of the world and Intel is one of the greatest innovator of the world. There is no doubt it can make the most enormous contributions towards dealing with the world’s major problem—the environment problem. Yet the huge profits have caused Intel to act blindly in this area. Greed is no doubt the key factor in ignoring the environmental problems. Corporate heads get greedy and lust for profits and ignore citizens’ welfare. In Hamidi’s (n.d.) website, ‘Intel is being accused for causing air pollution by using toxic solvents. The air pollution in that area was about three times higher than the acceptable limit. The History of Intel’s Toxic Chemical Release in Corrales (n.d.) states, people have developed respiratory and skin problems. New Mexico has also been known to have droughts. It is extremely hot in the summer. Yet one of the largest consumers of their water is Intel. Intel has built such a huge facility with no water recycling system. On the Intel website, the US Environmental Protection Agency says this is a very dangerous practice. There was a debate on how to deal with this issue and they had conducted studies. In the site for NM risk assessment on the Intel website (n.d.), â€Å"the EPA wants manufacturers to take responsibility for the products, throughout their life, particularly when they contain hazardous materials.†

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Multispecies Models as an Improvement on Single Species Models for Mea Assignment

Multispecies Models as an Improvement on Single Species Models for Measuring Fishing Impacts on Marine Ecosystem - Assignment Example The study is thorough and provides a deep insight of the multispecies modeling tools along with the single species models and their impacts. In the more recent studies on the topic of multispecies fish modeling and harvesting the factors that can impact the rate of harvesting is usually considered. The purpose is to target and examine the sources. Another study is conducted in the year 2013 in which the authors tried to find the cooperative and non-co operative harvesting in the multispecies fish war models. This paper emphasizes on the role played by support for the sustainable supervision of a broken ecosystem. The authors Daniel Pauly, Villy Christensen and Carl Walton in their study named as the â€Å"Ecopath, Ecoism and Ecospace as tools for Evaluating Ecosystem Impacts of Fisheries† thoroughly studied the key features for the reconceptualized approach. Not only this, they designed two indices based theorem in which they tried to qualify the impacts of an ecosystem on the fisheries. In the research, they used the truth based statistics collected from the users of the Eco Path and extracted from their feedbacks. They further discussed the implementation made up to the date and the limitations of the Eco System. They commented that some of the implementations have been made but the process of up gradation is very slow and it requires quite an effort. In another recent study, the authors studied the statistical and empirical identification of the multispecies fish harvesting Zones. The purpose of the study was to discuss the factors that can help in improving the monitoring and the management of the specific multispecies fish zones. The impacts and the ideas are not only the main theme of the recent researches but  some researchers also conducted the studies on the issues of the multispecies fish modeling and harvesting. Like in a paper the author from India highlighted the problem of harvesting two competing fish species together. For this, he designed a bioeconomic model. Also, the Marine Fisheries Service published their report on the topic of optimal multispecies harvesting in the presences of the nuisance species.  

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Medea Greek Mythology Essay Example for Free

Medea Greek Mythology Essay When Medea decides to take matters in to her own hands, about punishing the people who have done wrong to her, she is accused of wanting not justice—vengeance. Because I am not a native of neither Corinth nor Colchis, I have my own view about her motives. However, I would agree with the Corinthian Women, Medea is seeking vengeance; not justice. Some people might argue that Medea is seeking justice. When in actuality, Medea wants vengeance. The opposition would say justice took place because the Gods allowed Medea the time to perform her various acts. Although these things happened Medea turned to vengeance when she took it upon herself to kill Creon and his daughter Creusa. Even the chorus, the â€Å"ideal spectators†, implies that Creon is a poor king when, after he banishes Medea, the First Corinthian Woman sympathizes, â€Å"I am of Corinth and I say that Corinth is not well ruled. †(1. 214-216). This quote gives us proof that Medea has some sort of reason to seek revenge on Creon. However she lets her hatred exceed its boundaries and allows herself to take the lives of the King of Corinth and its Princess all because they chose Jason over her. In addition, her actions all prove that she wants Jason to do more than pay for hurting her. She wants him to suffer at the fate of her own children. Her revenge was selfish. Medea involved the two things she knew would hurt Jason the most—her own children. According to the First Corinthian Woman, â€Å"It would be better for you, Medea if the earth opened her jaws and took you down into darkness. But one thing you will not do, for you cannot, you will not hurt your own children, though wrath like plague-boils aches, your mind in a fire-haze bites the purple apples of pain. No blood-lapping beast of the field, she-bear nor lioness, nor the lean wolf-bitch, hurts her own tender whelps; nor the yellow-eyed, seythe-beaked, and storm shouldered eagle that tears the lambs has ever made prey of the fruit of her own tree. †(2. 115-126). Keep in mind that the Corinthian Women are the conscious of Corinth. Through this quote the First Corinthian Women has stated that Medea could not harm her own children. She even gives examples of the most dangerous predators that don’t even harm their own young. This is evidence that Medea went beyond the state of justice; but she went well into the state of vengeance. Medea knew what she was doing and quite frankly she could care less about anything other than what she thought of what was seeking revenge on Jason. In conclusion, vengeance was sought by Medea. She went above the fact of teaching Jason a lesson; she even stated she hated Jason more than she loved her children. Answer this question is what Medea has done entertaining or morally instructive?

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Analysing Blessing and An Old Woman` Essay -- Poetry Imtiaz Dharker Ar

Analysing Blessing and An Old Woman Poetry from other Cultures Question 2 Culture means the beliefs, traditions, and customs of people within a society. Fundamental aspects of a culture are faith, values, and history. People that share a culture also share its beliefs and ways of life, which are different to others. Poetry is an effective way of describing and exploring a culture, and events within it, because certain aspects can be expressed with vivid descriptions, and imagery that would be unsuitable in other types of text. Some cultures have also used poetry as a form of storytelling, describing events that happened to their ancestors, or even themselves. Poems can be concise and leave some details to the imagination of the reader, therefore they are easier to remember, and remain in the readers mind for longer, which makes them more memorable. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The two poems that I have chosen are 'Blessing' by Imtiaz Dharker and 'An Old Woman' written by Arun Kolatkar. I selected these poems because they are both set in poor, third-world countries, and the people within their communities value so strongly items that are take for granted in developed countries. In 'An Old Woman', a beggar woman is trying desperately to get 'a fifty paise coin', which is equivalent to less than 1 pence, off a tourist. This amount of money is frequently, and carelessly dropped on the floor without a second glance, in countries such as our own, yet in India an elderly woman needs this to survive. In 'Blessing' water is highly valued, and every drop is precious because their community is so short of such a substance. However, people in our, more developed, comm... ...tent and happy with the life that they live. However, in 'An Old Woman' this impression is not given. The beggar does not appear to be content with her way of life and is worn and tired as a result of it. I think her discontentment is conveyed in line 20-21 "bullet holes she has for eyes". I believe this, because she has to hide her true feelings from the outside to prevent anyone knowing what she really feels, and therefor her eyes seem to just glaze over and hold no feelings. I think she does this so that she can concentrate on trying to earn a living to stay alive, in doing this though, all her feelings are trapped inside and she is unable to overcome them. In doing this, it appears that she has no feelings and is completely isolated from the rest of the community. This is illustrated in line 29-30 "round the shatter-proof crone who stands alone".

Monday, November 11, 2019

Home by Toni Morrison Essay

Over time, Frank’s journey to rescue his debilitated sister, the siblings’ dependence on each other becomes more evident. Frank and Cee Money, the protagonists of Toni Morrison’s Home, exemplify this powerful need, a need that at times flirts with greed. The reason Frank feels so responsible for Cee is due to the fact while growing up they had neglectful parents as well as an abusive grandmother, his failed relationship with Lily, and lastly him facing his inner turmoil due to his actions in Korea. Toni Morrison states numerous times in the text, how Frank would do anything for Cee. Frank recalls, â€Å"Only my sister in trouble could force me to even think about going in that direction† (Morrison, 84). His parents certainly did not inculcate this instinct into Frank, for they have neglected their two children, leaving them with the witch of a Grandmother, Lenore. The relationship between Frank and Cee, which exceeds romance, sanctions Frank while handicap ping Cee. Due to the unfortunate circumstance of having careless parents and cruel grandparents, at a young age Frank is occupied with the unspoken role of Cee’s Guardian. â€Å"Their parents were so beat by the time they came home from work, any affection they showed was like a razor—sharp, short, and thin† (53). To grab hold of the relationship, Morrison, uses the first person point of view with Frank Money, and the third person perspective from Cee, along with other characters. Frank, as the acting guardian of Cee, the responsibility he has taken on is a significant and perhaps be one of the more important and well-developed themes of the novel. Frank, through the first person point of view describes how he was â€Å"guarding her, finding a way through tall grass and out of that place, not being afraid of anything† (104). Frank gladly took ownership for Cee, and was heroic in the process which he loathed about in his own mind. Frank needs to take possession of hi s sister for his own wishes. He experienced rough times in Korea and it was his way of burying the past and paving a new road for his future. This is the sole reason for Frank’s journey south back to Lotus, Georgia; he is frantic to rescue Cee after she was in dreadful hands. Cee went through much more hardship while Frank was away due to the lack of experience she was accustomed to. Once more, Frank wanted to be the defender he had been as a child; to revivify the feeling in his heart of fearlessness. Frank needs something to protect. Cee, his dearly loved sister, take up this role for most of the novel. Concurrently, Frank satisfies his troubled need to care for someone and loves his sister. Willingly, Frank admits, â€Å"I’ve had only two regular women. I liked the small breakable thing inside each one. Wherever their personality, smarts, or looks, something soft lay in each†¦A little V†¦that I could break with a forefinger if I wanted to. But never did† (67-68), Frank expresses his obsession with weakness. Frank denotes this weakness as a small child to whom he is the parent. He handles it cautiously, cares for it, and provides a home for it. He needs it to feel needed, which happens to be a reoccurring theme throughout the novel. â€Å"When†¦I caught my reflection in a store window, I thought it was somebody else. Some dirty pitiful-looking guy†¦Right then, I decided to clean up† (69). In this moment, Frank’s search of his relationship with Lily begins from a forceful self-hatred that has presented itself since his deployment to Korea. After his relationship with Lily fades and crumbles, Frank returns to the seed that from the beginning he was in need of, his sister. After all, his journey was certainly always, to his sister, who needs him far more than Lily ever did. â€Å"She was the first person I ever took responsibility for. Down deep inside her lived my secret picture of myself—a strong good me†¦In my little boy heart, I felt heroic†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (104). Without Cee, Frank is nobody. Without Cee, Frank has no purpose. As Frank and Cee rummaged through their uneasy childhood, they consistently found each other as a safe, comfort zone. The burial that occurs in his first memory of the novel, Frank recalls, â€Å"I hugged her shoulders tight and tried to pull her trembling into my own bones because, as a brother four years older, I thought I could handle it† (4). Immediately, as readers, we are aware of Frank’s self-imposed responsibility for Cee. The instinct was natural. Nature tends to prevail over nurture, as is certainly the case with Frank Money. Persistently his sister’s shield, to put it in a nutshell, for example, by his actions against the man who flashed her, Frank exaggerates Cee’s dependence on him. â€Å"†¦ [Cee] was prevented from any real flirtation because of her big brother, Frank. The boys around knew she was off limits because of her overbearing, over protective brother. That’s why when Frank†¦enlisted and left town, she fell for†¦the first thing she saw wearing belted trousers instead of overalls† (47). Regardless of Frank’s good intentions, he really put Cee at a disadvantage and at risk. Their childhood was a clear indicator that Cee’s role as the helpless damsel in distress and in need of protection, and Frank’s role as her dedicated protector. Frank and Cee, over the course of the novel, show many unclear indicators about the relationship between the siblings. Toni Morrison has a job well done with portraying the characters as more reliant on each other than lovers, but one could simply mistake the relationship between them. Frank, shaped by his inclination to protect, seeks to redeem himself for his unspeakable actions in Korea; he â€Å"[decides] to clean up† (69). Cee cleanses him. She grounds him, without even knowing it. He shuns away from his violent tendencies, he came across during his w ar experience in Korea. At the start, he believes he needs â€Å"the rage that had accompanied killing Korea†¦to claim his sister† (102). Before retrieving Cee, however, his mindset evolves. â€Å"He couldn’t let things get so out of control that it would endanger Cee† (110). Given his failure to show Cee the evils of the world, Frank’s attempt to protect her as an adult is a difficult assignment. He could not save her from everything. He was late upon re-entering her life and missed her greedy husband, not the twisted doctor. Cee’s infertility symbolizes her permanent scarring, credited, in part, to her own brother. Frank, although a loving, kind brother, failed to teach Cee to be a woman. Now, she will never be. It is inevitable that no person can go through life without hardship.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Lufthansa: to Hedge or Not to Hedge

LUFTHANSA: TO HEDGE OR NOT TO HEDGE 1. If the DM/US$ exchange rate were 2. 4DM/US$ in January 1986, what would be the all in cost of the aircraft purchase under each alternative? What would be the all in cost of the aircraft purchase under each alternative if the exchange rate were 3. 4DM/US$? Consider both fully hedging the cost and hedging exactly one half of the cost (why may you only want to hedge part of the purchase price? ). 1. Do nothing and wait and see what the exchange rate is like in January 1986. 500,000,000 USD x 2. 4DM/USD = 1,200,000,000 DM The cost of the aircraft purchase will be 1200 million DM. 2. Cover the purchase price using forward contracts. If the company use forward contracts they have the obligation to perform, i. e. they have to buy the amount they have agreed upon in one year for the forward rate of 3. 20 DM/USD. If they fully hedging the cost the all in cost of the aircraft purchase will be: 500,000,000 USD x 3. 2DM/USD = 1,600,000,000 DM The cost of the aircraft purchase will be 1600 million DM. If they choose to hedging exactly one half of the cost the all in cost of the aircraft purchase will be: (250,000,000 USD x 2. DM/USD) + (250,000,000 USD x 3. 2DM/USD) = 1,400,000,000 DM The cost of the aircraft purchase will be 1400 million DM. 3. Cover the cost using foreign currency put options A put option gives Lufthansa the right to sell the DM at 3. 20 DM/USD in one year. Even if they don’t exercise the option they have to pay the 6 % premium. The DM has appreciated in relation to the USD and the pu t option is therefore out-of-the money and Lufthansa will not use the option. But they will have to pay for the premium. If they fully hedging the cost the all in cost of the aircraft purchase will be: 500,000,000 x 3. DM/USD x 0. 06 = 96,000,000 DM 500,000,000 USD x 2. 4DM/USD + 96,000,000 DM = 1,496,000,000 DM The cost of the aircraft purchase will be 1496 million DM. If they choose to hedging exactly one half of the cost the all in cost of the aircraft purchase will be: 250,000,000 x 3. 2DM/USD x 0. 06 = 48,000,000 DM 500,000,000 USD x 2. 4DM/USD + 48,000,000 DM =1,448,000,000 DM The cost of the aircraft purchase will be 1448 million DM 4. Borrow DM to buy USD dollars today and invest them for one year In this strategy Lufthansa lock in the price at today’s spot exchange rate. They could repay the loan using the funds to be available for the purchase in one year. In January 1985 the spot exchange rate was 3. 17 DM/USD, the Eurocurrency U. S. dollar one year interest rate was 9. 5625 percent and the Eurocurrency one year deutschmark interest rate was 6. 3125 percent. If they fully hedging the cost the all in cost of the aircraft purchase will be: Borrow DM to buy 500 million USD today and invest them for one year. 500,000,000 USD/1. 095625 ? 456,360,525 USD 456,360,525 USD x 3. 17 = 1,446,662,864 DM Interest rate on the money in the end of the year: 1,446,662,864 DM x 1. 63125 = 1,537,983,458 DM Total all in cost of the aircraft purchase 1,537,983,458 DM. If they choose to hedging exactly one half of the cost the all in cost of the aircraft purchase will be: Borrow DM to buy 250 million USD today and invest them for one year. 250,000,000 USD/1. 095625 ? 228,180,262 USD 228,180,262 USD x 3. 17 ? 723,331,431 DM Interest rate on the money in the end of the yea r: 723,331,431 DM x 1. 063125 = 768,991,728 DM Cost of the aircraft purchase: 250,000,000 USD x 2. 4 DM/USD + 768,991,728 = 1,368,991,728 DM Total all in cost of the aircraft purchase 1,368,991,728 DM. What would be the all in cost of the aircraft purchase under each alternative if the exchange rate were 3. 4DM/US$? Consider both fully hedging the cost and hedging exactly one half of the cost (why may you only want to hedge part of the purchase price? ) 1. Do nothing and wait and see what the exchange rate is like in January 1986. 500,000,000 USD x 3. 4DM/USD = 1,700,000,000 DM The cost of the aircraft purchase will be 1700 million DM. 2. Cover the purchase price using forward contracts. If the company use forward contracts they have the obligation to perform, i. e. hey have to buy the amount they have agreed upon in one year for the forward rate of 3. 20 DM/USD. If they fully hedging the cost the all in cost of the aircraft purchase will be: 500,000,000 USD x 3. 2DM/USD = 1,600,000,000 DM The cost of the aircraft purchase will be 1600 million DM. If they choose to hedging exactly one half of the cost the all in cost of the aircraft purchase will be: (250,000,000 USD x 3. 4DM/USD) + (250,000,000 USD x 3. 2DM/USD) = 1,650,000,000 DM The cost of the aircraft purchase will be 1650 million DM. 3. Cover the cost using foreign currency put options A put option gives Lufthansa the right to sell the DM at 3. 20 DM/USD in one year. Even if they don’t exercise the option they have to pay the 6 % premium. The DM has depreciated in relation to the USD and therefore the option is in-the-money and Lufthansa will use the option. If they fully hedging the cost the all in cost of the aircraft purchase will be: 500,000,000 USD x 3. 2 DM/USD x 1. 06 = 1696,000,000 DM The cost of the aircraft purchase will be 1696 million DM. If they choose to hedging exactly one half of the cost the all in cost of the aircraft purchase will be: (250,000,000 USD x 3. DM/USD) + (250,000,000 USD x 3. 2DM/USD x 1. 06) = 1,698,000,000 DM The cost of the aircraft purchase will be 1698 million DM. 4. Borrow DM to buy USD dollars today and invest them for one year In this strategy Lufthansa lock in the price at today’s spot exchange rate. They could repay the loan using the funds to be available for the purchase in one year. In January 1985 the spot exchange rate was 3. 17 DM/USD, the Eurocurrency U. S. dollar one year interest rate was 9. 5625 percent and the Eurocurrency one year deutschmark interest rate was 6. 3125 percent. If they fully hedging the cost the all in cost of the aircraft purchase will be: Borrow DM to buy 500 million USD today and invest them for one year. 500,000,000 USD/1. 095625 ? 456,360,525 USD 456,360,525 USD x 3. 17 = 1,446,662,864 DM Interest rate on the money in the end of the year: 1,446,662,864 DM x 1. 063125 = 1,537,983,458 DM Total all in cost of the aircraft purchase 1,537,983,458 DM. If they choose to hedging exactly one half of the cost the all in cost of the aircraft purchase will be: Borrow DM to buy 250 million USD today and invest them for one year. 250,000,000 USD/1. 095625 ? 228,180,262 USD 28,180,262 USD x 3. 17 ? 723,331,431 DM Interest rate on the money in the end of the year: 723,331,431 DM x 1. 063125 = 768,991,728 DM Cost of the aircraft purchase: 250,000,000 USD x 2. 4 DM/USD + 768,991,728 = 1,368,991,728 DM Total all in cost of the aircraft purchase 1,368,991,728 DM. 2. Which alternative would you choose and why? I would not choose the first alternative and l eave the amount unhedged since an appreciate of the USD against DM could change the all in cost rapidly and hence the profit. It is important to design the hedging policy based on the belief about future circumstances. If Lufthansa really believes that the exchange rate will move in a profitable they could profit by leaving the amount unhedged. But it can be hard to predict future exchange rates and that is why a lot of companies choose to drive safe by ensuring their future financial situation through hedging. If Lufthansa would hedge all its currency risk they also take a risk and that is why I would choose to hedge only a part of the currency risk. Another aspect is that creditors’ might not like that Lufthansa is unhedged and they might also receive better interest rates if they are hedged. But of this we do not know. Lufthansa can’t borrow any more money so we can start with excluding the forth option, i. e. the money market hedge. The put option provides the lowest all in cost if exercised but at the same it also provides the highest cost when not exercised. I know from a lecture that options were commonly used by airlines foremost to hedge against fuel prices but that they have become quiet expansive so that, at least Southwest Airlines, now days use collars instead. The money market hedge works exactly like a forward hedge and I think we have narrowed the alternatives down to the forward hedge.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on The Medias Effects On Body Image On Females

The Media’s Effects on Body Image Of Females Eating disorder and dieting among teenage and college female’s rates are rising. Higher rates of eating disorders are being reported in certain subgroups such as dancers, models, actresses, and athletes (Barr Taylor, Sharpe, Shisslak, Bryson, Estes, Gray, McKnight, Crago, Kraemer, & Killen, 1998). In recent years, anorexia- nervosa and bulimia- nervosa have become more and more common (Papalia, & Olds, 1998). Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder distinguished by self-starvation. A typical person with anorexia nervosa diets and exercises obsessively and is withdrawn, depressed and appears to be a perfectionist (Papalia, & Olds, 1998). Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder in which a person binges and eats an excessive amount of food and then purges by induced vomiting, excessive exercise, fasting or any other form of removing the food and calories from the body. Most people with bulimia are obsessed with their weight and body image. Although they do not become unusu ally thin, they do tend to be depressed and ashamed of their eating habits (Papalia, & Olds, 1998). Many girls who suffer from an eating disorder like anorexia or bulimia also suffer from depression and lack of self-esteem. Anorexics tend to set very high standards for themselves and feel they always have to prove their competence. They also feel the only control they have in their lives is in the area of food and weight. (Thompson, 1996) Bulimics usually do not feel secure about their own self worth and tend to strive for approval from others. They see food as a source of comfort. Bulimics are more likely to admit they have a problem and seek help than anorexics. (Thompson, 1996) Many of the signs and symptoms for the two eating disorders are similar, fatigue, muscle weakness, mood swings, excessive exercising, and obsession with food, irregular menstruation and damage to vital organs. A person with ... Free Essays on The Media's Effects On Body Image On Females Free Essays on The Media's Effects On Body Image On Females The Media’s Effects on Body Image Of Females Eating disorder and dieting among teenage and college female’s rates are rising. Higher rates of eating disorders are being reported in certain subgroups such as dancers, models, actresses, and athletes (Barr Taylor, Sharpe, Shisslak, Bryson, Estes, Gray, McKnight, Crago, Kraemer, & Killen, 1998). In recent years, anorexia- nervosa and bulimia- nervosa have become more and more common (Papalia, & Olds, 1998). Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder distinguished by self-starvation. A typical person with anorexia nervosa diets and exercises obsessively and is withdrawn, depressed and appears to be a perfectionist (Papalia, & Olds, 1998). Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder in which a person binges and eats an excessive amount of food and then purges by induced vomiting, excessive exercise, fasting or any other form of removing the food and calories from the body. Most people with bulimia are obsessed with their weight and body image. Although they do not become unusu ally thin, they do tend to be depressed and ashamed of their eating habits (Papalia, & Olds, 1998). Many girls who suffer from an eating disorder like anorexia or bulimia also suffer from depression and lack of self-esteem. Anorexics tend to set very high standards for themselves and feel they always have to prove their competence. They also feel the only control they have in their lives is in the area of food and weight. (Thompson, 1996) Bulimics usually do not feel secure about their own self worth and tend to strive for approval from others. They see food as a source of comfort. Bulimics are more likely to admit they have a problem and seek help than anorexics. (Thompson, 1996) Many of the signs and symptoms for the two eating disorders are similar, fatigue, muscle weakness, mood swings, excessive exercising, and obsession with food, irregular menstruation and damage to vital organs. A person with ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

An Evaluation of Jessie Nelson’s Directed Film, I Am Sam

An Evaluation of Jessie Nelson’s Directed Film, I Am Sam The movie I chose to review is I am Sam. This movie is about a man, Sam, with a mentally disability coping with the struggles of raising his daughter. He has the mind of a seven year old so things get tough when his daughter, Lucy, becomes seven and surpasses his intelligence and the kids in her classroom begin to make fun of him. Sam soon gets in trouble with social services and finds a lawyer, Rita, to help win his daughter back. The movie ends with a couple co-parenting Lucy, with Sam. So in a sense everyone wins; Sam and Lucy still get to have their relationship and the couple gets a daughter and can raise and take care of her needs. Sam’s character is said to have autism and a mental disability but did not specify what it was exactly. All that was said is that he had the mind of a seven year old. He was portrayed as a loving and caring father who read to his daughter every night and even threw her birthday parties. He also had a group of friends, who were also disabled, that helped raise Lucy. In one scene Sam did not have enough money to buy Lucy a new pair of shoes for school and all of the friends chipped in to pay for the shoes. You could also see how he struggled because Wednesday nights were IHOP nights but Lucy wanted to try a different restaurant. Sam went to the other restaurant but threw a fit when they did not have the pancakes that he wanted. It was hard for him to change his routine, but he tried because Lucy asked him too even though, with his disability, it was very hard for him. During the trial to win Lucy back Sam did everything in his power to get her back. Rita, the lawyer, was portrayed as a woman who put work before her family and kids. This was the reverse role of Sam because all he wanted was to be with Lucy. Once she got to know Sam she tried to do everything she could to help him and they even became great friends and she became a better mom because of him. You could really see how he struggled in the trial due to his disability. It was hard for him to keep up with the questions being asked and sometimes when he got confused he would quote The Beatles or things that happened to The Beatles; they were his favorite band. The movie wanted you to feel sympathy for him and pity him because he wanted so bad to be the father he needed to be put was held back by his disability. This movie was a positive portrayal of individuals with disabilities because it showed that even though Sam had a disability it did not affect his ability to love. Playing off the role of Rita, which was the opposite of Sam, she was the typical lawyer who had lost touch with his young son and even admitted to hating him. This scenario also showed that people without disabilities are not perfect and can learn from individuals with disabilities. She even said in one scene, towards the end of the movie, that she gained more from their relationship than Sam had gained from it. This shows how special individuals with disabilities are and how much they can better the lives of others and all that they want is to be treated like everyone else, because they do have feelings. Since the movie said that he had some form of autism I think they portrayed it well. Autism disorders are known to be on a spectrum and full of variety. Some people can be somewhat autistic while others are considered to be very autistic. Autism can, â€Å"affect a child’s development and ability to communicate and that includes unusual behavioral manifestations such as repetitive motor movements† (Kirk, 2012, p. 148). During the movie Sam constantly tilted his head up when he was frustrated and did not understand what was going on. This happened often in court when he was asked questions that he did not understand or too many questions were being asked to him at one time. Asperger’s Syndrome is also considered to be on the spectrum of autism and Sam showed signs of, â€Å"a preoccupation with certain subjects almost to the exclusion of other subjects† (Kirk, 2012, p. 148). This is seen with how he relates everything to The Beatles or things that happened between the band members. Another sign of Asperger’s Syndrome that Sam portrayed was hand flapping, especially when he was excited. He also had a job at Starbucks and every sugar had to be in the correct order and in the same place which is also a classic sign of Asperger’s Syndrome. He also had a routine as mentioned before Wednesday nights were IHOP nights and Friday nights were movie nights with his friends. A difference in Sam and Asperger’s Syndrome is that he had no difficulty socially. He was very sociable and enjoyed meeting new people. Rita had a couple in her office who were fighting over custody and the mother was crying and Sam went up to her and gave he r a hug to make her feel better. With all this being said I think the movie did an excellent job portraying autism in Sam’s character. It was clear that he struggled in certain aspects of everyday life mentally, but he had no physical disability. One thing I did notice in the movie is that they kept referring to Sam as â€Å"retarded.† This movie came out in 2001 so I am not sure if that is what they were still calling people with exceptionalities but it made me feel ashamed of those people for referring to him that way. This movie impacted me greatly and by the end of it I was in tears. It was amazing to see a person with disability love someone so much and do anything for them and impact so many lives in the process. I have read several movie reviews and most of them say it was an amazing and accurate performance, for example, â€Å"I Am Sam deserves to be remembered for Sean Penns remarkable performance as a mentally challenged man. Penns accuracy, his lack of condescension or sentiment, and his w illingness to inhabit his character without any implicit commentary take what might have been the equivalent of an inflated TV movie and elevate it to the level of art† (LaSalle, 2002). I feel that I got a lot out of this assignment and really enjoyed it. It was great to see the love and compassion that individuals with disabilities feel and how much they can impact society and the lives of others. It shows that even though they have a disability they are first and foremost a person who can feel and express themselves, just a little bit differently. I think this was the entire purpose of the movie; to make the viewer feel sympathy for Sam but also realize that he is not so different after all.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Leadership, Teambuilding and Communication Assignment

Leadership, Teambuilding and Communication - Assignment Example In this theory, shows that some people have better leadership traits than others. He concludes that there are those people who are born to lead while others were born to be led. Behavioral approach is one other form of traditional leadership style, in this leadership theory, there are three leadership styles that are distinct from each other. Their styles include; authoritarian leadership whereby, the leader maintains strong control over the group at work. In this form of leadership, motivation is by coercion, and there is no free communication between the leader and the staff. Communication comes from the leader only, and the workers are there to follow. In this kind of leadership, there is high productivity but with low self-motivation and autonomy by the workers. Democratic approach is another form of leadership style that is friendlier to the subordinate staff. In the case here, there is free communication from both the staff and the leadership. Decision-making involves everybody in the organization, and the staff seen as a whole and not as a leader. Therefore, it gives room for constructive criticism and autonomy among the employees in the organization. Lastly, there is laissez-faire leadership style, where there is little or no control from the leader (Murphy, 2005). The kind of leadership is so much of the essence in situations with poorly defined problems that need brainstorming to come over the problems. There are a number of leadership theories that include, transformational, cite suggested that leaders have the abilities to groom their followers into better leaders in the future. The grooming is achieved successfully by letting followers have the freedom to control their behaviors.Â